Oak wilt present in the county or your stand is within 6 miles of a county with oak wilt AND oak wilt is not known to be in the stand Oak wilt present in the stand 2.
2. Select a Forester Type. Any Forester DNR Service Forester (general forestry assistance and advice) DNR Tax Law Forestry Specialist (if enrolled in MFL/FCL)
Oak barrens also share similarities with the drier side of oak openings, particularly where they occur along sandy river terraces and shallow sandy soil over sandstone bedrock. In these …
Oak Lake is a 50 acre lake located in Forest County. It has a maximum depth of 47 feet. Fish include Panfish and Largemouth Bass. Fish. Panfish (Common) Largemouth Bass (Common) …
Oak openings tend to be dominated by members of the white oak group, especially bur oak (Quercus macrocarpa), sometimes white oak (Q. alba), and locally in southwestern Wisconsin, …
It tends to be dominated by members of white oak group, especially white oak, sometimes with bur oak, and locally in southwestern Wisconsin, chinquapin oak. Red oak, black oak, and …
Black Oak Lake is a 564 acre lake located in Vilas County. It has a maximum depth of 85 feet. Visitors have access to the lake from a public boat landing. Fish include Panfish, Largemouth …
1994年8月1日 · property located at 133 Oak Street in West Bend, Wisconsin (the site). The property was formerly two parcels, has an approximate 75 year industrial use and has had 7 …