Oshun - Santeria Church of the Orishas
Oshun (also spelled Ochún, Oṣun or Oxum) is the youngest of the orishas and probably the most popular in Santeria. She was the last orisha born in the world out of Olodumare's love for creation.
Todo sobre Oshun《Qué le gusta, Para que sirve y Más》 ️
Oshún es una de las Orishas de la religión yoruba que se caracteriza por ser la reina de las aguas dulces y personaliza al amor y a la fertilidad femenina. Es una osha delicada y femenina protectora de las gestantes y las parurientas.
Oshun - Wikipedia
Ozun is another major Orisha that is distinct from Oṣun, the latter who is also called "Oshun" and "Ochún" in the Santería religion of the Caribbean (Cuba, Puerto Rico and Trinidad) brought over by Yoruba people during the transatlantic slave trade.
¿Qué representa Oshún en la Santería? La Diosa Dorada que …
Oshún, es una de las Deidades de la religión yoruba más veneradas dentro del culto cubano a La Santería, fundamentalmente en sincretismo con la considerada patrona católica de Cuba, la Virgen de la Caridad del Cobre. Su fecha o día de celebración es el 8 de septiembre.
Oshun Goddess – Symbols, prayers, offerings to this Orisha
2025年1月2日 · In this article, I will explore her stories, how to recognize her in Santeria, Umbanda, and other religions, her symbols, prayers, and offerings, and how to understand her archetype and her children’s. In Neo-Paganism, Oshun fits the Maiden Face of the Triple Goddess. Oshun, as well as other Yoruba Goddesses, are in my free Goddess Oracle!
Oshun: Quién es, su Día, Oraciones y MÁS - Todo Santería
La Diosa Oshun es considerada por muchos dentro de la Santería como una de las Orishas con mayor importancia y trascendencia, tanto por sus poderes como su historia. Si deseas conocer quién es Oshun dentro de la santería y todo lo referente a …
What does Oshún represent in Santeria? The Golden Goddess …
2021年9月8日 · Oshún, is one of the Deities of the Yoruba religion most revered within the Cuban cult to The Santeria, fundamentally in syncretism with the considered Catholic patron of Cuba, the Virgen de la Caridad del Cobre.
Oshun (Òșún): The Yoruba Divinity of Love and Fertility
Oshun is considered the Aphrodite of Santeria. Her beauty is incalculable, full of sensuality, coquetry, grace and femininity. Her natural element and place of residence are fresh waters, she being the Deity of rivers.
Ochún - AboutSanteria
Ochún (Oshún) is the youngest of all the Orichás, according to most patakís (sacred stories). When Olodumare finished creating the earth, he sat back and contemplated his work. He realized something was missing: sweetness and love, the two things that would make live worth living.
Oshun - The Orisha of Love and Beauty - SanteriaGuide
2023年9月18日 · Oshun is one of the most beloved Orishas in the Yoruba religion. She is the goddess of love, beauty, fertility, and rivers. Oshun is often depicted as a beautiful woman adorned with gold and yellow garments, embodying grace and sensuality. Her presence is felt in the flowing rivers and streams, symbolizing life, fertility, and love.
Oshún: Quién es, caminos, atributos, ofrendas, oraciones y más
La orisha Oshún es una deidad proveniente del continente africano, la cual se conoce por sus fieles como la personificación del amor; igualmente se caracteriza por poseer y otorgar el don de la sensualidad, la atracción, feminidad, y la fertilidad para sus hijos.
Oshun - Santeria Goddess of Fertility | Symbols | Origins
2023年4月7日 · Santeria is a unique mix between Catholicism, native myths, and the religion brought by the Yoruba slaves. Different saints and deities merge into archetypes that represent universal principles of human civilizations. For example, Oshun was the goddess of fertility, motherhood, and life.
The Role of Oshun in Santeria and Yoruba Tradition
2024年10月29日 · Oshun, one of the most revered deities in both Santeria and Yoruba traditions, represents beauty, love, prosperity, and fertility. Her influence runs deep within these cultures, offering wisdom and guidance to her followers.
Oshun es un Osha (Orisha) y está en el grupo de los Oshas de cabecera. Representa la intensidad de los sentimientos y la espiritualidad, la sensualidad humana y lo relativo a ella, la delicadeza, la finura, el amor y la feminidad.
The Gods of Santeria: Orunla, Osain, Oshun, Oya, and Yemaya
2018年1月23日 · The orishas are the gods of Santeria, the beings that believers interact with on a regular basis, but the number of orishas varies among believers.
A Comprehensive Guide to Oshun, the Goddess of Love and Beauty
Oshun, also known as Oxum or Osun, is the revered Yoruba goddess of love, beauty, prosperity, and fertility. As a powerful and compassionate deity, she offers her followers guidance, healing, and protection.
Osun | The Yoruba Orisha of Water, Fertility and Love - Goddess Gift
2024年1月7日 · In Santeria, Oshun is considered the patron saint of women and children and is often invoked for protection and guidance. She is also associated with the color green, which is a symbol of fertility and prosperity in Santeria.
Oshún es el nombre de una diosa africana considerada una de las siete potencias. Es esencia de la diosa yoruba del amor y del matrimonio. También se la considera como diosa del oro y, en consecuencia de la riqueza. En Santería está sincretizada como Nuestra Señora de la Caridad del Cobre, la patrona de Cuba.
2019年4月11日 · Known as the youngest and most beautiful of all the orishas, Oshun Santeria is the orisha of love matters, particularly sexuality and fertility. Her focus is on the beginnings of romance, when two lovers are in that blissful state of new love.
Santeria | Major Orishas | Afro-Cuban Origins | History - Goddess …
2023年12月29日 · Santeria is an oral and practical tradition that teaches how to use the combination of wisdom and power to deal with hardship. The religion has incorporated other faiths and has developed beyond its Yoruba and Catholic origins, standing on its own as a powerful symbol of Afro-Cuban culture.