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豆腐柴 - 百度百科
- 唇形科豆腐柴属植物
豆腐柴(Premna microphylla Turcz.)是唇形科豆腐柴属的落叶灌木,其叶有臭味,呈卵状披针形、椭圆形、卵形或倒卵形,边缘具有不规则的粗齿。豆腐柴的花为聚伞花序组成的塔形圆锥花序,多呈绿色,有时带紫色,花冠多为淡黄色。它的果呈紫色果球形或倒圆卵形,其花果期在5-1… - 豆腐柴主要分布于中国和日本,在中国华东、中南、华南地区都有分布。其性喜湿润,忌干燥, …
豆腐柴全身是宝,有一定的药用、食用、经济价值,具有开发利用价值和发展前景。 [8]据《湖南药物志》《本草经集注》等书中记载,具有清热解毒的功效,主治疟疾、泄泻、痢疾、醉酒头痛、创伤出血等等。 [9]其食用价值和经济价值表现为,豆腐柴叶为原料,加工生产豆腐柴果冻的工 …
- 唇形科豆腐柴属植物
Care guide for the Premna Bonsai tree - Bonsai Empire
Premna species are subtropical or tropical trees and most of them need temperatures above 50°F (10°C). They like an airy place in full sun, but very small specimen should be protected from hot midday sun to keep them from drying …
豆腐柴属 - 维基百科,自由的百科全书
豆腐柴属(学名:Premna)是唇形科下的一个属,为灌木或乔木植物,有时为藤本,很少匍匐地上而近草本。 该属共有约200种,分布于 东半球 热带 和 亚热带 地区。
- 预计阅读时间:5 分钟
豆腐柴 - 维基百科,自由的百科全书
豆腐柴(学名: Premna microphylla )为马鞭草科 豆腐柴属下的一个种。 又稱 腐婢 、 石錦 , 觀音柴 、 土黃芪 (浙江), 豆腐草 、 觀音草 (安徽), 止血草 (江蘇),產中國華東、華 …
- 预计阅读时间:1 分钟
Ethnomedicinal uses, phytochemistry and pharmacological aspects …
Context: The genus Premna (Lamiaceae), distributed throughout tropical and subtropical Asia, Africa, Australia and the Pacific Islands, is used in folk medicine primarily to treat inflammation, …
Premna serratifolia - Wikipedia
Premna serratifolia is a species of small tree or shrub [2] in the family Lamiaceae. It blooms and fruits between May and November. [ 3 ] During flowering season, it attracts a large number of …
The genus Premna L. (Lamiaceae) in the Flora Malesiana area
2013年3月2日 · The genus Premna was first described by Linnaeus on the basis of two species, Premna serratifolia L. and P. integrifolia L., which are now treated as one species. The generic …
Premna odorata - Wikipedia
Premna odorata is a species of flowering plant in the Lamiaceae family. [2] It is commonly known as fragrant premna, and is native to the Indian subcontinent, Yunnan, Southeast Asia, New Guinea, and Northern Australia, and …
腐婢 - 百度百科
腐婢,中药名。为马鞭草科植物豆腐柴Premna microphylla Turcz.的茎、叶。具有清热解毒之功效。用于疟疾,泄泻,痢疾,醉酒头痛,痈肿,疔疮,丹毒,蛇虫咬伤,创伤出血。