Restaurant - Ráscal Restaurante
We are a restaurant with the soul of homemade food, we are constantly looking for the comfort of homemade pasta with fresh sauce, good wine, homemade bread and pizza.
Home Ráscal - English - English - Ráscal Restaurante
Order and receive at home classic Ráscal dishes such as our Ráscal Ravioli, our Alfredo Fettuccine, our cheese and plantain mezzelune, fresh salads, healthy bowls that bring to your table a taste of our salad and antipasti bar, pizza roasted on a wood-fired oven as well as simple and well executed options such as deboned chicken with grilled vegetables or mashed potatoes – perfect for an ...
Home Ráscal - Ráscal Restaurante
Você pode pedir em casa nossos clássicos, como o Ravióli Ráscal, o Fettuccine Alfredo, o meia lua de queijo com banana da terra, saladas fresquinhas, bowls saudáveis que são a cara de nossas mesas de saladas e antepastos, pizzas assadas no forno à lenha e também opções básicas e bem feitas, como um frango desossado com legumes grelhados ou purê de batatas, perfeito para todos os dias.
www.rascal.com.br Customer Service [email protected] if you have any food restriction, intolerance or allergy, access our allergen guide through the qr code DESSERTS MINI DESSERTS 1 MINIDESSERT 28 | 3 MINIDESSERT 62 CONDENSED MILK FLAN with dulce de leche CHEESECAKE OF STRAWBERRY OR LIME With Ralston guava or berries syrup
www.rascal.com.br Customer Service [email protected] if yOu havE aNy fOOd REStRictiON, iNtOlERaNcE OR allERgy, accESS OuR allERgEN guidE thROugh thE qR cOdE DESSERTS MINI DESSERTS 1 MINIDESSERT 28 | 3 MINIDESSERT 62 CONDENSED MILK FLAN with dulce de leche CHEESECAKE OF STRAWBERRY OR LIME With Ralston guava or berries syrup
Delivery Rascal - English - Ráscal Restaurante
Delivery Rascal; Addresses; Contact us; Instagram; Facebook; Delivery Ráscal Delivery Ráscal em São Paulo - SP. Alameda Santos (11) 3141-0692. iFood (11) 3141-0692. iFood. Itaim (11) 3078-3351. iFood (11) 3078-3351. iFood. Villa-Lobos (11) 3024-3710. iFood (11) 3024-3710. iFood. Higienópolis (11) 3823-2667. iFood (11) 3823-2667. iFood ...
www.rascal.com.br Serviço de Atendimento ao Cliente [email protected] ALL FRESH • EVERYDAY MENU Beverages and Wines if you have any food restriction, intolerance or allergy, access our allergen guide through the qr code DESSERTS MINI DESSERTS 1 MINIDESSERT 26 3 MINIDESSERT 59 CONDENSED MILK FLAN with dulce de leche
Contact us - Ráscal Restaurante
Get in touch with us through our phones.
www.rascal.com.br Serviço de Atendimento ao Cliente [email protected] ACESSE AQUI INFORMAÇÕES SOBRE OS ALIMENTOS ALERGÊNICOS RA_SP_RIO_AGO24.indd 2 27/08/2024 14:11. Created Date:
www.rascal.com.br Customer Service [email protected] ALL FRESH • EVERYDAY if you have any food restriction, intolerance or allergy, access our allergen guide through the qr code DESSERTS MINI DESSERTS 1 MINIDESSERT 28 3 MINIDESSERT 62 CONDENSED MILK FLAN with dulce de leche CHEESECAKE OF STRAWBERRY OR LIME …