Meet The Hobbyists Building Their Own DIY Cyberpunk Devices
2023年5月29日 · It’s the ultimate project for cyberpunk fans: cobbling together their own gear using repurposed leftovers and cheap surplus parts, plus all the right components from …
Meet The DIY Hackers Creating The Cyberpunk Devices Of Their …
2023年4月1日 · The cyberpunk future that media promised us may never come, but that didn't stop these DIY hackers from making their own cyberdecks.
The reality of a cyberpunk universe in the real world - Verdict
2024年1月24日 · The world of Cyberpunk 2077 embraces AI, with each designed to do a specific task. These range from Dedicated Heuristic Controllers, the simplest and most mundane type …
What are some real world examples of Cyberpunk technology
The CNC-like laser cutter and etchers are pretty cyberpunk. Thin fliexible displays. Quantum computers are functional. Gene therapy is a thing. Facial recognition, full body scanners at …
How Close Are We To Cyberpunk 2077's Cyberware Augmentations In Real ...
2023年9月26日 · High-tech body modifications are common in the world of Cyberpunk 2077, from vision-upgrading ocular implants to body armor that's seamlessly implanted under the skin. In …
What's a piece of cyberware you'd want in real life?
2023年10月9日 · For as much as people say Kiroshis you aren't thinking about it like real cyberpunk. Imagine forgetting to pay your subscription for GPS or phone connectivity. Now …
How Close Are We To Cyberpunk 2077's Cyberware Augmentations In Real ...
2023年9月26日 · In the realm of real-life medical science, we are undeniably closer to achieving certain forms of cyberware than others. Cyberpunk 2077 has recently received a substantial …
How far are we from living in a cyberpunk reality? : r/Cyberpunk - Reddit
It is true, also robots and cybernetics are there, smart cars and smart devices in almost every home. We live in an age of cyber surveillance is an accepted part of life for most, even if they …
Real Life Cyberware From Cyberpunk 2077 You Can't Miss - YouTube
Dive into the future with our latest video where we explore the boundary-pushing technologies that bring the world of Cyberpunk 2077 to life. Our comprehensi...
Ask a Hacker: How Close is Cyberpunk 2077 to Reality?
2020年12月21日 · Hacking connected devices: Real. Cyberpunk 2077 does an excellent job of revealing just how many “things” are connected to the Internet and offers opportunities to …