SUBSTRATUM中文(简体)翻译:剑桥词典 - Cambridge Dictionary
substratum翻译:底土层;底土,心土, (位于一层物质下面的)底层,下层, 基础,本源;赋予属性的东西。了解更多。
Substrate - Wikipedia
• Substrate (biology), the natural environment in which an organism lives, or the surface or medium on which an organism grows or is attached
• Substrate (building), natural stone, masonry surface, ceramic and porcelain tiles
• Substrate (chemistry), the reactant which is consumed during a catalytic or enzymatic reactionWikipedia · CC-BY-SA 许可下的文字sustrato - Diccionario de la lengua española | RAE - ASALE
1. m. Estrato que subyace a otro. 2. m. Biol. Lugar que sirve de asiento a una planta o un animal fijo. 3. m. Bioquím. Sustancia sobre la que actúa una enzima.
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Substrate (chemistry) - Wikipedia
In chemistry, the term substrate is highly context-dependent. Broadly speaking, it can refer either to a chemical species being observed in a chemical reaction, or to a surface on which other chemical reactions or microscopy are performed.
In the former sense, a reagent is added to the substrate to generate a product through a chemical reaction. The term is used in a similar sense in synthetic and organic chemistry, where the substr…Wikipedia · CC-BY-SA 许可下的文字- 预计阅读时间:8 分钟
What is Substrate? - Definition and Examples of …
Substrate in Chemistry - A substrate is also a substance which an enzyme, substance produced by living cells acts on to produce a chemical reaction. As far as chemistry is concerned, a substrate is generally seen as a chemical …
Substrate (materials science) - Wikipedia
In materials science and engineering, a substrate refers to a base material on which processing is conducted.This surface could be used to produce new film or layers of material such as …
substrato - Dicionário Online Priberam de Português
Substrato é o estrato que está por baixo, o que fica depois de uma preparação ou transformação, ou o elemento que suporta uma camada geológica. Veja o significado, a origem etimológica e …
IUPAC - substrate (S06082)
2014年2月24日 · The IUPAC Compendium of Chemical Terminology. A @CT01038@, the reaction of which with some other chemical @R05190@ is under observation (e.g. a …
Translation : substrato - spanish-english dictionary Larousse
substrato - Translation Spanish-English : Find the translation of substrato, but also his pronunciation, examples with the word substrato....
Substrato es la base material de la unidad o singularidad de objetos o propiedades. Se opone a sustancia, que es lo general o abstracto. Consulta diferentes diccionarios filosóficos sobre el …