Supravital Staining - an overview | ScienceDirect Topics
AO supravital staining can be used with blood from any appropriate species. It is the preferred method of staining for rats because analysis can be restricted to only the youngest population of IEs (type 1 reticulocytes) in which the endoplasmic reticulum (stained orange) occupies most of the cytoplasm [13,14].
The Supravital Method in the Study of the Cytology of
The supravital method (in the present writer’s opinion) offers no evidence that macrophages and monocytes are separate cell types, as was deduced from supravital studies by Sabin, Doan and Cunningham. 4 Monocytes and active macrophages have even fewer resemblances when seen in supravital preparations than they do on dried smears, but when the ...
The Use of the Supravital Method in a Study of Cells Susceptible to ...
In supravital preparations the identification of “early erythroblasts” was aided by a greenish tinge of their cytoplasm and also by the neutral red precipitation of the basophilic substance (Fig. 1) described by Sabin. 14 The close resemblance of these cells to early erythroblasts of the fixed smear is evident in the illustrations.
New Methylene Blue - an overview | ScienceDirect Topics
Sabin (1923) used supravital stains to differentiate the various mononuclear cells. As mentioned earlier, there is variation in terminology concerning cell types among investigators. As mentioned earlier, there is variation in terminology concerning cell types among investigators.
Chapter 12 Lysosomal Proton Pump Activity: Supravital Cell …
1994年1月1日 · Leukocyte Differential Supravital staining of leukocyte subpopulations with AO require appropriate adjustments to ensure that cell density is within an acceptable range. Generally a 1:25 dilution of whole blood into the staining solution is optimum when the typical leukocyte count is within the range of 5-25 x 10* mm'.
Importance of supravitality in forensic medicine - ScienceDirect
1994年12月16日 · Supravital metabolism The basis of supravital reactions is vital metabolism which after death runs down until exhaustion of substrates (for instance glycogen) or, just as important, up to reaction-limiting changes of the milieu interieur (for instance, cessation of anaerobic glycolysis at pH of 6.3).
Supravital Staining of Human Spermatozoa - ScienceDirect
1971年2月1日 · Supravital Staining of Human Spermatozoa* R. Eliasson, M.D. L. Treichl, M.B. Department of Physiology, Faculty of Medicine, Karolinska Institutet, Stockholm, Sweden Department of Physiology, Faculty of Medicine, Karolinska Institutet Stockholm Sweden * Supported by the Swedish Medical Research Council (14x-538) and the Population Council, …
Supravital staining of mitochondria with phenosafranin dyes
Supravital mito- chondrial stains like Janus green B and methylene blue are potent cholinesterase inhibitors, competing with acetylcholine for the negatively charged site on the enzyme. In this system, the greater the amount of positive charge on the quaternary nitrogen of the dye, the more effectively would it compete for the enzyme.
Comparison of two supravital stains in examination of human …
1984年2月1日 · Urology-andrology Comparison of two supravital stains in examination of human semen and in tests for cytotoxic antibodies to human spermatozoa Siemen Jager, Ph.D. * Jaap Kuiken, Jan Kremer, M.D. Fertility Unit of the Department of Obstetrics and Gynaecology, University Hospital, Groningen, The Netherlands Fertility Unit of the Department of Obstetrics …
Importance of supravitality in forensic medicine - ScienceDirect
1994年12月16日 · Parameters of supravital metabolism (substrates and metabolites of anaerobic glycolysis) as a basis for supravital reactions (sensitivity to excitation) are discussed. Particular supravital reaction patterns in comparison to physiological conditions are mentioned (Cannon — Rosenbluth's law of denervation, supersensitivity to pharmacological ...