Taurus 942 22LR 3 inch revolver review | Taurus Firearm Forum
2020年5月14日 · Bench review:New Taurus 942 3" arrived - short bench review 1st shots review:Taurus 942 3" Carbon Steel revolver in caliber 22LR... Out of the box the trigger action was gritty and heavy as most 22LR revolvers are. The trigger stroke is longer than the SW 63-5 and not as smooth. So I began a journey to try and fix that gritty pull.
Taurus 942 3" Carbon Steel revolver in caliber 22LR...
2020年4月27日 · The 942 22Lr revolver is a replacement for the Taurus 94, which has been out of production since 2010. The 94 had a 9 round cylinder, and for many a great little kit gun. At ShotShow 2019 Taurus announced the new 942's along with the new Defender series revolvers.
Model 94 versus a Model 942 differences? - Taurus Firearm Forum
2021年10月14日 · One of the sure cures that can lighten the trigger pull weight is to use snap caps. Load the revolver with the snap caps make sure no real ammo is in or near the gun. Dry-fire with the caps about several hundred times and not all at one time obviously. It worked for my 94.
942 22LR revolver owners...your opinions? - Taurus Firearm Forum
2020年11月8日 · Taurus 942 22LR 3 inch revolver review Boy, what a busy May, fixed and restored an A5 and a Remington 1100. A Couple of action jobs, a PT92 repair, an old SS 16ga restoration started.
Speed loader for 942 - Taurus Firearm Forum
2020年7月14日 · Speed loader for 942. Jump to Latest ... A forum community dedicated to Taurus firearm owners and ...
Where are all the 942s? - Taurus Firearm Forum
2022年3月20日 · I was looking for a 942 22mag to replace my wife's 38. I specifically wanted a 942 because her laser grips from her 85 will fit. I haven't seen a 942 since Taurus announced them, but I have been seeing 992s with 4 inch barrels. I may have to rethink and get the 992 and look for a new set of laser grips.
Taurus 942 22lr revolver in stock at KYGUNCO
2020年4月2日 · Hi-Standard Sentinel Deluxe 4" 9 shot 22LR revolver, NAA 1 5/8" 5 shot 22LR/WMR revolver with folding holster Taurus PT-22, Taurus TCP 738 (Replaced under warranty with Taurus G2C), GX4, 942 S&W 642 and 38 Bodyguard revolver, KelTec P-17
942 hogue grip - Taurus Firearm Forum
2021年7月3日 · I want the 3" stainless model in .22 WMR. I will put the Hogue grip on it. I have two 3" 856 Defender models. The stainless model has a factory Hogue grip like you have in the photo. On the black one, I replace the rubber Hogue grip with a rosewood Hogue grip of the same design. All of my other Taurus revolvers have Hogue wooden grips on them.
942 3” front sight swap | Taurus Firearm Forum
2024年1月21日 · Ok everyone are you ready for a good laugh… I finally got around to Taurus.com to purchase the Ameriglo front sight and Taurus wanted $8.75 to ship it to Kentucky!!! I find that pretty steep for something that weighs less than the envelope they are going to ship it in. Actually it’s embarrassing they want to charge a 1/3 of the price of the ...
Taurus 942 22lr holster - Taurus Firearm Forum
2020年4月10日 · Hi-Standard Sentinel Deluxe 4" 9 shot 22LR revolver, NAA 1 5/8" 5 shot 22LR/WMR revolver with folding holster Taurus PT-22, Taurus TCP 738 (Replaced under warranty with Taurus G2C), GX4, 942 S&W 642 and 38 Bodyguard revolver, KelTec P-17