约 35,900 个结果
  1. typography - What are the more respected sans serif fonts that …

    Of the original "web-safe" (that is, as close to universal as you'll get on the Web) sans-serifs (Arial, Impact, Tahoma, Trebuchet MS, Verdana), Verdana tends to get the most love. It's well-designed and is designed to be readable on the screen.

  2. Trebuchet MS web font alternatives - Graphic Design Stack Exchange

    2014年5月27日 · Just add a .ttf file of Trebuchet MS to the site and add it to the code or something. Computers will download the font and display it correctly. I use Trebuchet MS too and I'm always annoyed with Linux having no Microsoft/Proprietay fonts by default. In CSS, you can also do this: font-family: Trebuchet MS, [insert similar fonts here], sans-serif

  3. fonts - Math in Trebuchet MS - TeX - LaTeX Stack Exchange

    All symbols that are available in Trebuchet MS are written in Trebuchet MS. That includes, e.g., Latin and Greek letters and basic math symbols such as plus, minus, parentheses, commas, etc. Symbols that are not available in Trebuchet MS are taken from a font that looks sufficiently good when mixed with Trebuchet MS.

  4. Use Trebuchet font - TeX - TeX - LaTeX Stack Exchange

    2023年10月27日 · How can I use the MS Trebuchet font in LaTeX, or in this case, tikzposter? I have tried the awnser from How to use the MS Trebuchet font? with this code: \\usepackage[T1]{fontenc} % https://tex.

  5. How to use the MS Trebuchet font? - TeX - LaTeX Stack Exchange

    2011年11月5日 · My thesis may use Times New Roman or MS Trebuchet font. I have written it using Times, but now I'd like a look at how it appears in MS Trebuchet. Currently I just use the times package, which I guess sets the Times New Roman font as active.

  6. Using Trebuchet MS font - TeX - LaTeX Stack Exchange

    2015年7月24日 · Using Trebuchet MS font. Ask Question Asked 9 years, 6 months ago. Modified 9 years, 6 months ago.

  7. pdftex - Use Microsoft Georgia font - TeX - LaTeX Stack Exchange

    2024年11月28日 · \documentclass[12pt]{book} \usepackage{fontspec} % Use fontspec for system fonts \setmainfont{Georgia} \usepackage{sectsty} \allsectionsfont{\fontspec{Trebuchet MS}} \begin{document} \chapter{Earth and Sun} This is a first text in the Georgia font. \section{Mars and Moon} This is a second text in Trebuchet MS for section headings. \end{document}

  8. Web safe font for Chinese similar to Trebuchet?

    2011年8月24日 · Japanese: MS Mincho or MS PMincho ( MS 明朝 ), MS Gothic ( MS ゴシック ), Mincho is the Japanese variant of Ming with "P" prefix for proportional widths, Gothic is popular for UI screen usage. Korean: Batang ( 바탕 ), Gulim ( 굴림 )

  9. Fonts for technical reports - Graphic Design Stack Exchange

    2012年2月3日 · I'm building an MS Word template for my reports. I am not sure what to use for fonts. I see lots of reports from clients and others using Arial, Verdana, Helvetica, Times New Roman, Calibri, Cambrai, and Trebuchet MS. I personally like Trebuchet for tables and charts but do not fancy it for wording in a report.

  10. Web safe alternative to roboto? - Graphic Design Stack Exchange

    2016年10月10日 · I really don't understand how this is an archaic concept. Even more important than the cases enumerated above regarding the internet speed in some regions, the most important aspect of why you would want to provide very similar alternative fonts is FOUT. that brief fraction of a second where the text is rendered using fonts on the machine, until the …