Transcriptional signatures of wheat inflorescence development
2022年10月14日 · In the current study, co-expression and gene regulatory networks were assembled from a temporal wheat spike transcriptome dataset, revealing the dynamic expression profiles associated with the...
Transcriptome Profiling of Wheat Inflorescence Development ...
Transcriptome analyses of key stages in wheat inflorescence development uncover molecular pathways and candidate genes that may be essential for final seed setting and yield improvement in wheat.
Identification of Wheat Inflorescence Development-Related ...
2018年2月8日 · This study is useful for understanding the gene network underlying wheat inflorescence morphology and fertility, which eventually will allow us to purposely manipulate fertility in breeding.
What is the inflorescence in wheat? - BYJU'S
Individual flower units are called spikelets. Wheat contains spikelet inflorescence. Spikelets are sessile and directly attached to the rachis without pedicel. Each spikelet has one or more florets. The spikelets are further grouped into panicles or spikes. The part of the spikelet that bears the florets is called the rachilla.
Architecture of Wheat Inflorescence: Insights from Rice
2019年9月1日 · BMs and SMs in rice, and SMs in wheat, form inflorescence branches, which determine the inflorescence architecture. Therefore, the pattern of the initiation and development of the axillary meristem at the reproductive stage is a key controller of inflorescence architecture.
Genome-wide transcript analysis of inflorescence development ...
Our work provides novel information regarding the gene regulatory network of cell division, key genes involved in the differentiation of inflorescence in wheat, and regulation mechanism of inflorescence development that are crucial stages for determining final grain number per spike and the yield potential of wheat.
Transcriptional signatures of wheat inflorescence development
2022年10月14日 · In the current study, co-expression and gene regulatory networks were assembled from a temporal wheat spike transcriptome dataset, revealing the dynamic expression profiles associated with the progression from vegetative meristem to terminal spikelet formation.
2022年7月6日 · Previous transcriptomic studies in wheat inflorescence tissues described the differential expression 90 profiles of thousands of genes during vegetative and floral meristem development, including the stage-91 specific expression of different TFs and hormone biosynthesis and signaling genes 24,25. A population-