Can rabbits live outdoors, even in winter? - BackYard Chickens
2022年4月7日 · One member of my family also has allergies. We have had a pet rabbit (English lop/Angora mix) in an outside hutch since we got her as a two month old rabbit back in 2016. She lives in a two story hutch I built made of hardware cloth and wood. The top part is divided into a bedroom area (lots of hay and a small entrance) and an eating area.
Winterizing an outdoor rabbit hutch? - BackYard Chickens
2007年11月7日 · In the front space, I put layers of newspapers, then soft sweet smelling hay, very thick. I use stall dry when needed. We also cut plywood to cover the two sides and top of the front part. The very front door area is wire covered and open. I use a bottle waterer hanging on the front wire. They are only in there at night. They love their rabbit ...
Need help and advice for winterizing rabbit hutch
2023年4月3日 · Here in Ohio, the winters can be pretty nasty. My bunnies have a draft-free hutch to retreat to. It has an opening just big enough for them to get through. I always leave it open for them to move back and forth from hutch to run freely. I line the inside with straw and shavings. Their attached run is left open on 3 sides and lined the same way.
building a rabbit hutch | BackYard Chickens - Learn How to Raise …
2009年12月4日 · This weekend I'm building my rabbit hutch it'll be 8x4 with a secion for the male and the females( 3 adults at the most!) may share the same side if no issues though adding a devider should be easy. If I use chicken wire but use something on top like cardboard or a piece of removable would do...
Moving Coturnix Quail outdoors in winter, rabbit hutch question
2016年12月21日 · Hey there, I have some chicks that are still under a heat lamp but the plan is to ultimately set them up outside. I live in California and right now my area goes down to the 40s at night and the 60s during the day. The plan is to have …
Will quail lay eggs in a rabbit hutch? - BackYard Chickens
2013年7月13日 · Quails will lay fine in a rabbit hutch but it is best to have them some solid flooring to rest their feet, I have two rabbit cages right now and I decided to use the old wired see through out during spring,summer and fall and the hutch during winter because its more wind resistance and has an enclosed area for them to get out the wind.
Converting Rabbit Hutch? | BackYard Chickens - Learn How to …
2008年4月28日 · I converted a couple of rabbit hutches to chicken hutches. I made the floor solid with plywood, instead of the screen usually on the floor of rabbit hutches for the poo to fall thru. The chicken poo doesn't fall thru, and the air/wind coming up thru the wire floor is bad for the chickens, unless you are in a very moderate climate.
Rabbit Hutch for Winter Run - Hardware Cloth on Bottom
2015年10月12日 · I picked up a 32"x32""x8' ground level rabbit hutch with the intent of using it for my 3 silkies for their winter run. They are currently in a dog kennel run, but I was worried about trying to weasel and winter proof it. The hutch is not elevated, is solid on 3 sides and has hardware cloth on...
Housing And Feeding Your Quail - BackYard Chickens
2014年12月26日 · Hardware cloth is the only way to go. You can use 1/4 or 1/2 inch, either one will work fine. If you use a Rabbit Hutch, many of them come with 1 by 1 inch or so wire on the sides and front. If you are keeping your hutch outside, you will need to cover this wire with hardware cloth.
Turning a Rabbit Hutch into a Chicken Coop? UPDATED WITH …
2011年5月10日 · Our are chicks are turning 12 weeks in the next few days. They are still using a rabbit hutch as a coop. I don't close the door any more, because the pen that their coop is in was origninally an 8x12 x5.5 feet tall dog kennel. We covered the chainlink with hardwire cloth on all sides and the bottom.