Astrocytes Mount Complex Responses to AD. They Change Over …
2024年12月5日 · “The coexistence of multiple astrocyte phenotypes suggests that we should address astrocyte heterogeneity, stratify astrocyte subtypes, and consider multiple astrocyte targets for developing biomarkers. In summary, we should think about astrocytes the way we think about neurons,” he wrote to Alzforum. (Comment below.) Shifty Masses.
Astrocyte transcriptomic changes along the spatiotemporal …
2024年12月6日 · This was an ambitious study using single-nucleus RNA-Seq to characterize astrocyte heterogeneity across five brain regions in 32 donors who spanned the spectrum of Alzheimer’s disease neuropathology. The authors’ analysis of normal brains revealed astrocyte heterogeneity across the neocortex.
Aβ Clearance—The Untapped Potential of Astrocytes? - ALZFORUM
2021年11月9日 · Astrocyte With Appetite. Cultured mouse astrocytes treated with gemfibrozil and retinoic acid (right) ingurgitated more Aβ (white) than did untreated cells (left), and sequestered it into their lysosomes (red). [Courtesy of Raha et al., Science Signaling, 2021.] [Courtesy of Raha et al., Science Signaling, 2021.]
Border Surprise: Glia Limitans Astrocytes Sit on Brain Surface
2023年11月4日 · Some previous studies have also found astrocyte cell bodies on the brain’s surface (Feig and Haberly, 2011; Falcone et al., 2021), and one reported these cells were myocilin+ (Wu et al., 2017). Human Brain, Too. In postmortem brain samples, myocilin+ astrocytes (purple) cover the brain surface and extend processes into the parenchyma.
Astrocyte Receptor Suppresses Neurotoxic Lipids, Preserves Neurons
2023年9月20日 · Comparing reactive astrocyte RNA-Seq datasets from Alzheimer’s, multiple sclerosis, Huntington’s, amyotrophic lateral sclerosis, frontotemporal lobar degeneration, and Parkinson’s brain revealed a single gene that is downregulated in all six: TMEM164 (center). [Courtesy of Zhang et al., Nature Metabolism.]
Alleviating symptoms of neurodegenerative disorders by astrocyte ...
2023年10月4日 · News: Astrocyte Receptor Suppresses Neurotoxic Lipids, Preserves Neurons; It’s exciting to see advancements in research that could lead to innovative clinical interventions. This study provides the first evidence of a regulatory role of TMEM164 in astrocyte activation within the nervous system.
Over the Span of AD, Roles of Astrocytes and Microglia Change
First, Bellaver investigated how astrocyte reactivity influenced the relationship between amyloid status, as gauged by PET or plasma Aβ42/40 levels, and plasma p-tau217. She found that across the AD continuum, plasma p-tau217 increased as a function of plaque burden, but only if astrocytes were reactive, as gauged by elevated plasma GFAP.
Astrocyte reactivity influences amyloid-β effects on tau
2023年6月2日 · Astrocyte transcriptomic changes along the spatiotemporal progression of Alzheimer's disease. 2022 Dec 07 10.1101/2022.12.03.518999 (version 1) bioRxiv. Serrano-Pozo A, Gómez-Isla T, Growdon JH, Frosch MP, Hyman BT .
Gene Networks That Control Astrocyte Diversity Linked to AD
2022年11月11日 · Then, they performed astrocyte-specific CRISPR knockdown of two genes encoding established cytoskeletal proteins (Fermt2 and Ezr) belonging to gene modules correlated with astrocyte morphological features. They show that this reduces astrocyte territory by 20 percent, altering memory, c-fos induction in neurons, and synapse number in the ...
Astrocyte Reactivity: Opposing States Emerge | ALZFORUM
2022年6月30日 · A cocktail of cytokines triggers at least two opposing astrocyte reactions that balance each other. Controlled by STAT3, one churns out IL-6; the other unleashes interferons. A core group of transcriptional regulators oversees a diversity in …