DeFi's most extensive AMM product suite—Balancer is a decentralized Automated Market Maker protocol built on Ethereum with a clear focus on fungible and yield-bearing liquidity.
What is Balancer? Balancer is a decentralized automated market maker (AMM) protocol built on Ethereum with a clear focus on fungible and yield-bearing liquidity. Balancer's success is intrinsically linked to the success of protocols and products built on the platform.
Balancer Technology provides decentralised infrastructure for DAOs, which enables efficient scaling of Yield Bearing assets, creating advanced Governance positions, and developing customised pool types.
Javascript With SDK This example demonstrates the full flow for adding liquidity to a given pool. The SDK provides functionality to easily fetch pool data from the Balancer Pools API and create a transaction with user defined slippage protection.
Balancer Pool Tokens are tokens that represent ownership or shares in a Balancer pool. When users add liquidity to a Balancer pool by depositing tokens, they receive corresponding Balancer Pool Tokens in return.
Balancer has full integration with each aggregator and strong connections to the teams. Through the Smart Order Router or custom implementation logic, new pool types and logic can be accessed by aggregator volume in a matter of days after going live.
Balancer Governance Token (BAL) is the core token behind the Balancer protocol. Alignment between governance token holders and protocol stakeholders is crucial for successful decentralized governance, and BAL tokens are the vehicle to drive this alignment. veBAL is an extension of BAL and is used for voting in decentralized governance.
Balancer protocol leverages the Liquidity invariant approximation to provide a generalized solution for add and remove liquidity operations. This enables the Vault to implement complex unbalanced and singleAsset liquidity operations that all custom AMMs built on Balancer support by default.