Fagus grandifolia - Wikipedia
Fagus grandifolia is a large deciduous tree [6] growing to 16–35 metres (52–115 feet) tall, [7] with smooth, silver-gray bark. The leaves are dark green, simple and sparsely-toothed with small teeth that terminate each vein, 6–12 centimetres (2⁄4 – 4⁄4 inches) long (rarely 15 cm or …
Fagus grandifolia E h rh - US Forest Service Research and …
American beech (Fagus grandifolia) is the only species of this genus in North America. Although beech is now confined to the eastern United States (except for the Mexican population) it once extended as far west as California and probably flourished over most of North America before the glacial period (39).
Fagus grandifolia - North Carolina Extension Gardener Plant …
Monoecious yellowish green flowers bloom from March to May on the American beech. It's male flowers form in drooping, long-stemmed, globular clusters and the female flowers in short spikes. Female flowers give way to triangular nuts enclosed by …
Fagus grandifolia - Plant Finder - Missouri Botanical Garden
Fagus grandifolia, commonly called American beech, is native to eastern North America. It is a large deciduous tree typically growing to 50-80’ (less frequently to 120’) tall with a dense, upright-oval to rounded-spreading crown.
Alectryon grandifolius (Grandifoliate Alectryon, Grandifoliate Bur ...
Alectryon grandifolius is a species of flowering plant in the family Sapindaceae. Common names include Grandifoliate Alectryon, Grandifoliate Bur-Marigold & Grandifoliate Cudweed. Find more on description, Uses & Benefits here.
大叶鼠尾草 - 百度百科
大叶鼠尾草(Salvia grandifolia W. W. Sm.)是 唇形科 鼠尾草属 植物,多年生草本。 茎直立,高约1.5米,粗大,钝四棱形,具槽,密被具腺的糙硬毛,多分枝。 产四川西南部,云南西北部;生于江边坡地,海拔2000-3000米。 多年生草本。 茎直立,高约1.5米,粗大,钝四稜形,具槽,密被具腺的糙硬毛,多分枝。 [1] 叶极大,倒卵圆形,长达35厘米,宽达25厘米,先端圆形,基部近圆形或宽楔形,边缘具疏离的深波状小裂片,裂片圆形,宽4厘米左右,纸质,两面被稀疏的 …
Fagus grandifolia - US Forest Service
SPECIES: Fagus grandifolia GENERAL BOTANICAL CHARACTERISTICS : Beech is a large, native, deciduous tree. It normally grows 65 to 80 feet (20-25 m) tall but can can grow up to 130 feet (40 m) and can live to over 300 years old. The bark is blue gray. The leaves are yellow green during the growing season.
Yellowish-green flowers appear in the spring but are not particularly showy. The dense foliage and low branching structure of American beech make it a visually appealing shade tree. It also regenerates with sucker shoots, allowing it to grow in dense thickets in the forest.
Fagus grandifolia — American beech - Go Botany
Its exceptionally smooth, light gray bark makes the American beech stand out in any forest. It holds on to its toothed, golden-brown leaves very late into the winter. Beech suckers readily, so a "mother" tree may be surrounded by dozens of its identical offspring saplings.
grandifoliate - 维基词典,自由的多语言词典 - 維基詞典
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