约 3 个结果

PCInfo - File Detections - Malwarebytes Forums
2020年10月4日 · Hello, I Wrote a program in order to check Windows 10 PC for my enterprise. The program check and can configure Windows 10 with our software (LGPI). I work for Pharmagest Welcoop Solution in France. I would like you to check my program PCInfo.exe in order to see that i is not a virus. Malwarebyte...
False positive - File Detections - Malwarebytes Forums
2020年11月16日 · Hello, I Wrote a new version 2.6 of my program "PCInfo.exe" in order to check Windows 10 PC for my enterprise. My program check and configure Windows 10 with our software (LGPI). I would like you to check my program "PCInfo.exe" in order to see that it is not a virus. thank you in advance PCInfo.zip
False positive - File Detections - Malwarebytes Forums
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