When it comes to the cognitive restructuring portion of CBT, thought records are a great place to begin challenging irrational thoughts. This version of the thought record is simple, clean, and …
CBT Thought Record Use this exercise to identify and change your reaction to difficult or challenging situations. Describe the trigger in column one; your initial feelings and behaviours …
THOUGHT RECORD: SIDE TWO WORKSHEET Date/time Situation 1. What event (external or internal) is associated with the unpleasant emotion? Or what unhelpful behavior did you …
2024年9月23日 · Use Thought Records to collect data about your clients’ specific thoughts, emotions, and behaviors, and plan a strategy for overcoming their difficulties. Include problem …
the unhelpful thought/s are totally true? What facts do I have that the unhelpful thought/s are NOT totally true? Is it possible that this is opinion, rather than fact? What have others said about …
THOUGHT RECORD Instructions: Follow the hints at the bottom of each column in order to help you successfully reappraise your automatic thoughts and achieve a better balance in your …
The Thought Record worksheet provides a template for clients to monitor their thoughts and emotions, evaluate their thinking, and explore adaptive responding. It is particularly helpful for …