2021年1月11日 · 巡天空间望远镜是中国载人航天工程规划建设的大型空间天文望远镜,口径2米,兼具大视场和高像质的优异性能,并具备在轨维护升级的能力。 巡天空间望远镜的后端天文模块包括:多色成像和无缝光谱巡天模块、多通道成像仪、积分视场光谱仪、系外行星成像星冕仪、高灵敏度太赫兹模块。 巡天空间望远镜以大规模天文巡天为主任务,致力于成为一个面向国际开放的、先进的且专门服务于天文学及物理学研究的空间天文台。
Chinese astronomers say their new space telescope will outdo …
2023年10月4日 · China's upcoming Xuntian, or Chinese Space Station Telescope (CSST), will orbit near the nation's Tiangong space station and provide high-definition panoramic views of the universe.
China’s giant space telescope will have a 300 times wider view …
2022年7月20日 · The telescope, called the Xuntian, Chinese Survey Space Telescope, or the Chinese Space Station Telescope (CSST), will take large space surveys of the sky, according to a report...
A serviceable 2m wide-field telescope in the same orbit as the China Manned Space Station. First gen instr: Survey Camera (SC), Terahertz Receiver (THz), Multichannel Imager (MCI), Integral Field...
China will launch a big space telescope in 2023 to investigate …
2022年5月19日 · China wants to launch its first large space telescope in late 2023 to survey the skies, deliver new insights about distant galaxies, and unlock the mysteries of dark matter and dark energy.
China Space Station Telescope "Almost Complete"
2015年12月18日 · China’s first astronomical satellite, an x-ray telescope that will search the sky for black holes, neutron stars, and other extremely energetic phenomena, raced into orbit today after a morning launch from the Gobi Desert.
China Space Station Telescope science application group
China Space Station Telescope is the largest optical space facility of China. It will focus on a broad range of astrophysical questions including cosmology, galaxies, the Milky Way and local group, stellar physics, exoplanets and solar system. CSST has a 2-meter aperture with field of view larger than 1.1 square degree.
China prepares to launch the Xuntian telescope to rival the …
2023年10月5日 · In another display of national scientific and technological prowess, China is set to launch a super space telescope. The Xuntian (meaning “survey to heavens” in English) will be China’s first large space telescope ever and is expected to start scientific operations in 2024.
Future Cosmology: New Physics and Opportunity from the China …
2025年1月25日 · The China Space Station Telescope (CSST) is the next-generation Stage~IV survey telescope. It can simultaneously perform multi-band imaging and slitless spectroscopic wide- and deep-field surveys in ten years and an ultra-deep field (UDF) survey in two years, which are suitable for cosmological studies. Here we review several CSST cosmological probes, such as weak gravitational lensing, two ...
China Announces Its New Flagship Space Telescope Mission
If all goes according to plan, the China Space Station Telescope (CSST) will blast off atop a Long March 5B rocket sometime in late 2023. Once in a safe orbit, CSST should begin...
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