The foot-long extinct shark Falcatus falcatus lived during the early Carboniferous period around 325 million years ago. The species, known from fossils in the Bear Gulch formation of …
2012年8月7日 · Falcatus was a tiny shark that has managed to stand out from others because of the presence of a dorsal spine that rises up from where you might expect the first dorsal fin to …
Falcatus was also a stethacanthid, but it grew to a length of only about six inches (15 centimetres) — about the same size as the very smallest of living sharks. Falcatus inhabited the warm, …
ABSTRACT - The Paleozoic fin spine Physonemus falcatus St. John and Worthen 1883, from the Valmeyeran St. Louis Limestone of St. Louis, Missouri, has been found on sexually mature …