Search the web for sounds and sound effects for free using Find Sounds! To get started, type the name of a sound into the search box above OR click on a category of sound effects below.
What types of sounds can be found on the web using Find Sounds? Browse by clicking on one of the sound categories below - or click here to use the search box.
What types of sounds can be found on the Web using FindSounds? Below is a partial list. Click on any link below to perform a search, or enter one or more words in the search box above and then click on the Search button. is a free site for finding sound effects on the Web. It is a Web search engine, like Google and Yahoo, but with a focus on sounds. It provides powerful features, yet is simple and easy to use, and suitable for all ages.
Find Sounds Search the Web for Animal Sounds Everything from "alligator" to "zebra", sounds made by dozens of animals can be searched by clicking on an animal below.
Find Sounds Search the Web for Bird Sounds From polite chirps to annoying squawks, browse through dozens of categories and thousands of sounds produced by our fine feathered friends!